Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Addison Chaney testing for her second degree.

What a pleasure to have the Chaney family in our day classes.  Now, Addison has tested for her second degree, joining the ranks of the multiple degrees black belt holders of the Chaneys.

Addison did great in her board breaking and form performance. 

Addison's dad, Duane Chaney, jumped in to hold board her daughter.  He is also a black belt.

Congratulations, Addison!

Our class keeps growing!

We started this day class with a humble 5 to 7 students and we are now a regular 14 students strong (on the average).  We've reached 17 students in class here and there.  Our students do well in testing in tournaments.

To continue to give the personalized attention to our students, we have started splitting the class in two, using both training rooms.  The children in one room, the adults in the other. 

Come join us!